July 15: Community Road Work Update

Community Road Work (July 15 – 19)

  • MT 64 Tiger Grant Project
    • MDT is aware of striping changes that have affected travel in the area. The issue has been temporarily addressed and MDT maintenance crews are working to permanently remove the striping in some areas. We appreciate your patience as we work toward a resolution.
    • Sign installation will continue in several project areas. Grading operations west of the intersection of US Highway 191 (US 191) with Montana Highway 64 (MT 64) are expected to be completed this week, weather and other factors permitting. While grading operations are underway, drivers can expect single-lane closures, and flagger-controlled traffic. Please plan for extended delays.
    • Shared-use path realignment near Huntley Drive is anticipated to begin this week. This work will require single-lane lane closures and flaggers. Please plan for delays.
  • Turn Bay North of Gallatin Gateway
    • Grinding and rumble strip operations will take place this week on US Highway 191 (US 191) north of Gallatin Gateway. Drivers can expect reduced speeds, a 12-foot width restriction, and single-lane closures with traffic controlled by flaggers Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Two lane traffic will reopen after 7 p.m. Travelers can expect delays.
  • South of Spanish Creek South
    • Crews will be conducting delineator work. This work will take approximately one day to complete, however the date has yet to be determined. Flaggers and pilot cars will be present and 15-minute delays can be expected while delineator work is conducted.
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